ACES Services

ID Cards

Your Alfred State Student ID Card is used in many ways: as an ID, as a key card for door access, and as a debit card for certain campus accounts.

  • Meal plans, including Dining Dollars
  • Campus Spending Accounts
  • Printing Services
  • Residence Hall door access
  • Fitness Center access
  • Laundry Services

Please keep your Alfred State Student ID with your at all times. Your ID is valid as long as you are an active student at Alfred State.

If you lose your ID Card, report it lost to University Police, 607-587-3999. You can deactivate a lost card online at https://alfredstate-sp.transactcampus.com/eaccounts which will prevent anyone from using the card. If you find the card later, you canreactivate it at the same website. If you are unable to find the card, you can get a new one made. Contact the ACES Business office at 607-587-4064. Once a new card has been issued, the old card cannot be reactivated.

Meal Plans

Which meal plan you choose depends on your lifestyle and your daily schedule. For example; if you know that most days you are going to want 3 meals per day, then the 18 meal plan will be the one that best suits you. We do recommend that first year students choose the 18 or 14 meal plan. You will select your meal plan when you pay your bill online.

You may decrease your meal plan during the first two weeks of the fall semester. You may choose a different meal plan on your bill for the spring semester. First semester freshmen and transfer students only may decrease their meal plan during the the first two weeks of the spring semester. You may increase your meal plan at any time.

Each meal plan that comes with meal swipes includes 5 bonus meals per semester that can be used to feed a friend. Your regular meal swipes and Dining Dollars cannot be used to feed a friend as they are non-transferrable due to NYS tax law. Other options would be CSA, cash, or credit card.

Dining Dollars are part of your meal plan. It is a declining balance account to purchase food items at any of the on-campus dining facilities. As part of the meal plan, food purchased with Dining Dollars is non-taxable. Dining Dollars are also non-transferrable (cannot be shared with a friend) and non-refundable (unused Dining Dollars expire at the end of each semester). You can add additional Dining Dollars to your account at www.acesalfred.com/deposits.

CSA (Campus Spending Account) is a declining balance account used to purchase items at the Campus Store, in the vending machines, in any of the on-campus dining facilities, and at our off-campus partners. CSA balances roll from the fall to the spring semester. Remaining CSA is refunded at the end of the spring semester as long as the balance is at least $20. Excess financial aid can be directed to CSA to save on out-of-pocket expenses. You can add additional CSA to your account at www.acesalfred.com/deposits.


Destination Days Times
Campus Shuttle - Any bus shelter loop Farm/Vet Tech/Pioneer Landing M-F 10 minutes before classes begin from 7:50am - 5pm
Wellsville M-F Leaves Alfred 7am, 8am, 9am, 2:30pm, 3:15pm & 4:15pm
Alfred M-F Leaves Wellsville 7:45am, 8:45am, 9:45am, 3pm, 4pm & 5pm
Shopping at Dollar General/Tinkertown Hardware T/W/TH Campus Shuttle 7:50am - 4:50am

Shopping in Hornell Wegmans/Walmart Plaza
(no reservation required)


Leaves Alfred 11am, departing from any bus stop
Last bus leaves Hornell at 2pm

Regular stops are made at these locations:

  • UPD/Elm Street Corner
  • Huntington Admin. Bldg. Pull-Off
  • Mackenzie West Pull-Off
  • Mackenzie East Pull-Off
  • SLC
  • R/C Hall - 4 Corner Stop
  • Main Entrance to Campus

Cable TV

How to install

  • Screw the coax cable directly into the "Cable in" port on the back of your TV.
  • Ensure that all cables are connected securely.
  • In the Menu or Set-up options on the TV, verify that the TV is set to Cable or CATV
  • Run a channel scan. (This can also be done if you are missing channels)*

Note: This setting is normally located in the menu or set-up options. However it varies depending on the TV make and model.

Still not working?

Contact MyCampusVideo's Support - available 24/7/365

MyCampusVideo's Texas-based support team is available 24/7 via chat, phone, text, and email to answer any and all of your cable TV questions

Call: (833) 493-4901

Chat: MyCampusVideo.com/support

Text: "MyVideo" to 84700

Email: support@mycampusvideo.com

Students may access the cable TV portal by visiting MyCampusVideo.com. This portal is built to access chat support and obtain the toll-free support number, no account creation necessary.